Sunday, May 15, 2005

will the garbage ever end?

Uh, sorry but I'm in a whiny mood today. Proceed at your own risk.

I'm so tired of cleaning up garbage, I want to scream. Yesterday, we were having a playdate for the Bee, and in preparation for it, landisdad and I kicked the kids out in the backyard so we could get some serious cleaning done--things that we don't want the kids to help with, like scrubbing out the downstairs bathtub and mopping the kitchen floor. Yesterday, at least the downstairs of our house looked like normal people lived there.

Today, it's back to it's usual state. I'm seriously thinking about putting a tarp under the Sweet Potato's chair, because less than 24 hours later, it's covered with crumbs and worse (ie-crushed blueberries). Why can't anything stay clean for longer than one minute?

It's times like these that I seriously consider getting a dog. My brother & SIL, who have an adorable child one month older than the SP, never have this problem. Why? Because every single food item (and some non-food items) that falls on the floor is immediately consumed by their dog. Why won't cats eat Cheerios or pretzel goldfish? I'm so tired of walking through the kitchen and feeling something crunch underfoot.

There are lots of times that we get the kids to clean up with us, and sing the 'clean up' song from their daycare. (Side note--did you know that if you google "clean up song," you will get over 4 million hits? The hyperlink is not worth scrolling through that mess, IMO.) But somehow, scraping dried spaghetti sauce off the table isn't one of those things I think they're ready for yet.

The real reason I'm so cranky today is that landisdad has been working a lot of overtime, including last Saturday night, last night, and the next two Saturdays (at least). So in addition to the fact that I have to single parent during those times, we're not having any date nights, and I'm missing adult conversation in a serious way.

BTW, any parents of older kids who are planning to tell me it just gets worse when they're older, be warned. I may have to climb through the internets and strangle you. Just sayin'. (But not you, chip)

• Posted By landismom @ 5/15/2005 12:08:00 PM
I think we actually did put plastic down for a while when BK was really little.

He's 11 now. That's all I'm gonna say...
My kids did not fall for that clean-up song thing. That was o. k. in school, but somehow not to be taken seriously at home. Now that they're older, though, my older one's bossiness pays off if I can just get them started on the job.
chip, yeah, the combination of cleaning the chairs and floor, plus the daily bath since he's prone to wiping food in his hair is adding up to a tarp, I just know it. (Not for his head, of course).

Weirdso, eureka! The Bee just has to get to boss the SP around! You're a genius.
Deb, wow, dishes for fun? You've given me hope.
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