Sunday, July 17, 2005
new words
So the Potato has decided to spend his weekend of parental attention on a major language acquisition project. So far, the new words that he's debuted include "noodle," "upside-down," "too-too" (aka "choo-choo") "flower," and "tractor."
I loved this phase of the Bee's development, and I'm very excited for the Potato to be increasingly verbal. It's great when kids are learning new words every day--great for them, in that they can now say more things, and great for me, since I know can have a better than average chance of understanding what he wants at any given moment. Of course, we will still have conflict over the fact that he can't always have what he wants, but his sense of frustration about not being able to tell us what he wants is diminishing.
There's a part of me that wonders, did he just wait until his sister was out of the way to roll out his new vocabulary so that he knows he has our full attention? Or was it just a coincidence?
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