Wednesday, January 18, 2006
words on the page
I haven't been posting much lately, because I've been spending my time trying to figure out how to re-do my template. For some reason, I can't figure out how to make my comments appear in a new template, nor can I get my blogroll to work right. It seems like all the code is there, but it's just not working. Frustrating, to say the least. I'm sure I'll get it eventually, but I feel kind of stuck right now.
This post is going to be a little bit all over the map. I'm not that focused tonight.
On the kid front, it seems like the Potato is starting to catch up to the Bee in being a player in the sibling rivalry game. He's in a very independent stage right now (our home reverberates with cries of 'me do!'), and yet, somehow, if I'm sitting on the couch reading the Bee a story, he suddenly wants to sit in my lap, etc. We had a lovely playdate with LeggyP on Monday, but it was one of those every-kid-wants-to-do-different-things kind of playdates, which made adult conversation kind of hard. Landisdad came too, which made life easier--I always find it hard to chase two kids and concentrate on anything else.
Speaking of landisdad, his job situation seems to be shaking out in a positive direction--he has accepted a job that I'm hoping in the long run will make him happier. I've got a big project at work right now that is taking a bunch of my mental energy, too, and in fact I'll have to be out of town for a couple of days next week.
So that's about it for tonight. I have some other, more interesting posts that I'm mulling over, but they're not quite ready yet. If you're the kind of person who used to make mix tapes, head on over to visit Jim at Patriside. He's got a great new Mixmania up, and he's always spinning something funky.
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