Friday, January 06, 2006
I'm a weirdo
I was tagged by Library Lady to reveal 5 weird things about myself. I'm offended, because of course, I'm totally normal. Okay, stop laughing! No, really, I'm just quirky.
1. I can be hyper-efficient. How else could I spend so much time blogging? It has its downside, though, because occasionally I forget that I'm human and make scheduling mistakes that are just enormous, due to my confidence that I am able to get things done faster than the speed of light.
2. I have a lot of books next to my bed. I won't shelve a book until I've read it. But am I ever going to actually read The Anti-Theatrical Prejudice? I mean, it's been there since we moved into our house. And longer--I think I bought it in 1998. Still, it stays in my to-be-read pile.
3. I spent a significant amount of time in my adolescence and early adulthood being pretty poor, which made me make some weird spending choices. (Cigarettes? or food?) I scrimp on stuff that I don't have to now (like, I'll keep using the same shampoo bottle until there's nothing left inside except air), but then I'll blow a huge amount of money buying clothes that my kids are going to wear for maybe a year.
4. I hate cooked tomatoes, but only if they're still visually recognizable as tomatoes (ie--does not apply to tomato paste in pasta sauce or pizza form). This is attributable to the Great Stewed Tomato Incident of 1977. My mom was old-school--you finish what's on your plate. Even if it makes you vomit.
5. If I'm not running the meeting, I'm heckling the person who is. And possibly other people involved.
I just added a bunch of new people to my blogroll, so I'm going to pick on some of them.
Tag, you're it:
• Posted By landismom @
1/06/2006 12:16:00 PM